Mariná ©Roman Strazanec

14.09.2024 / 17:00


Picture Credit © Roman Strazanec


Fashion brand MARINÁ, based in the capital of Slovakia – Bratislava. The brand offers minimalistic design, creativity, variability and extraordinary comfort. Some of the characteristic features of the unusual design are playfulness and monochrome colors. Brand MARINÁ makes use of natural materials such as cotton, wool, and silk. In the process of cutting and sewing the clothing, MARINÁ tries to minimize waste.

Collection ´PERPETUUM in VIENNA,´ soon to be presented at the Vienna Fashion Week continues to develop the idea of minimalism and constructivism of brand MARINÁ. Just like with the previous collections presented at MQVFW, the collection ´PERPETUUM in VIENNA´ was also inspired by fine art. The designer drew inspiration from the artworks of Milan Dobeš – one of the most prominent representatives of Czechoslovak constructivism, of dynamic and kinetic objects, and constructivism in Europe. Pieces from the collection are based on geometry, constructivism and avantgarde. Models from the PERPETUUM collection aim for a visually clean image, simplicity, functionality, maximalized sustainability, and above all, to increase recognition of Slovak art.

The presentation of this collection at the VFW 24 was made possible by the Slovak Art Fund.

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