SLANG SLANG: Street style & elegance combined with recycled high-tech textiles
SLANG SLANG stands for innovation, recycling and future-oriented work. The special approach of processing clothing from the technically high-quality textiles […]

accessories, art, avant-garde, chic style, design, fashion, Fashion Show, glamourous, lifestyle, mqvfw, street wear, urban, urban style
MIJU: Futuristic Visions
The MIJU fashion brand seized the opportunity to unleash its creativity at MQ VIENNA FASHION WEEK 2023, captivating the stage […]

accessories, art, contemporary, design, events, fashion, Fashion Show, lifestyle, men's wear, Modenschau, mqvfw, street wear, urban style
TrueYou: the Beginning of the End
Following the motto “the future is something you create”, TrueYou showed to the audience that the influence of artificial intelligence […]

PLURAL: puristische Stilsicherheit in stürmischen Zeiten
Begleitet vom Song „Thunder“ erobert das Grazer Modelabel PLURAL bei der MQ VIENNA FASHION WEEK das Publikum im Sturm. Geboten […]

2022, art, design, events, fashion, Fashion School, Fashion Show, mqvfw, praire chic, street wear, urban style
Modeschule Michelbeuern – Mut zur Mode
Audacity. Der Name der Show steht für die Bereitschaft Risiken einzugehen, Mut zu beweisen und aus alten Mustern auszubrechen. Die […]