The headpieces by Julia Cranz are world-renowned. This year, she has teamed up with milliner Lars Peters, whose label is Sonderling, and the two complement each other wonderfully with their unmistakable styles, flowing between extravagance and fascination. The new collection by Cranz/Sonderling is centered around the theme of metamorphosis, and the duo presents a mysterious show at the VIENNA FASHION WEEK 2024, constantly evolving.
Each piece is a work of art—peculiar, unique, even astonishing. Historical, traditional elements like feathers, flowers, and veils are reinterpreted and repositioned. Colors and styles that were once considered “either for women or for men” are now worn by all genders. Since each piece is so harmonious and refined, the wearers appear elegant and mysterious.
Elegance lies in how one holds and presents themselves. The headpieces challenge their wearers while also offering them the opportunity to fully blossom in any outfit. Milliner Julia Cranz has already dressed several stars with her headpieces and fascinators, and Lars Peters has had the chance to learn with and from her. His hats strike a balance between outward subversiveness and inner perfection.
“I think they were just meant to find each other, and they complement each other fantastically,” one visitor summed up the synergy between these two creators. The fashion world is in a state of limitless metamorphosis, and Cranz/Sonderling are right in the mix.